Emp desc

"The highest reaches of heaven, believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure light"

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year Resolutions

   Good bye 2013, hello 2014! New year is coming in less than two days. It's again time for all those new year's resolutions.

   Going back to the start of this year, do you remember the promises you have made to myself? I will be better this year. I will never be late for school. To be sexy, macho, or to be fit. I will make sure to do my new year's resolution. Have you really done any of those? Were your resolutions realistic and achievable? Yes? Really? Lies, lies, liessssssss! Just kidding. If you were able to achieve your resolutions, here's a cookie for you. If you failed to do or maintain those resolutions, you've got another try this year.

   Share your new year's resolution for 2014 in a Dark RO event. Make a fan sign and let other know what your New Year's Resolution(s) is/are. For details, read this post.

   Happy new year!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Donation Hat Rotation

   A new set of headgears starting this Christmas season. For the new set of headgears, here's the list:

30$ - Costume
  • Saiyan Hair
  • Small Devil Horns (Mid Headgear)

  • Evil Marching Hat
  • Fancy Phantom Mask 

  • Fox Hat 
  • Fish in Mouth 

Throwback 25$
  • Gangster Scarf
  • Power of Thor

Holiday Surprise Box 15$
  • Black Framed Glasses
  • Brazil Ribbon
  • AFK Hat
  • Chewing Bubble Gum

Force Event: Like, Share, and Comment

   Wanna get an Autumn Hat? Spread the word to your friends. Have the most likes and share in this photo. For more details about the event and the format, visit the forum post on Like, Share, and Comment.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Season

   It's Christmas once again and I hope everybody will enjoy the Christmas season. Let our hearts be filled with love and share it to the people around us. Merry Christmas to everybody! Happy holidays!

Christmas Events

   Since Christmas is just around the corner, Christmas events are much anticipated too! There are events currently on going in line with the Christmas season.

    For more information, these topics contain the events:

   Gallery Event
   Christmas Invasion

Force Update: Christmas Theme

Halloween is by far over and its time to get a new celebration going, we've loaded up the Christmass spirit on DarkRO!

This update was pretty simple:
  • Prontera, Payon, Hugel and Morocc have received a new look for the holiday season.
  • Prontera, Payon and Geffen have been given a nice Christmas BGM.
  • Christmas Event's are back again!:
    • ​During Christmas Seasons, Antonio tries to attack Lutie, the ever-lasting Christmas City. He attempts to strike about three times per day and he goes with his most powerful peons. There are 4 rows of mobs. The mobs in the Invasion award more points than your regular invasion, are harder and also have a chance to drop a prize.

    • Antonio and his minions are trying to steal Christmas! We need to stop them!
      They stole the decorations from the 4 christmas trees around Rune Midgard (Prontera, Payon, Lutie and Hugel).
      You need to help save the spirit of christmas and save the decorations.
      You can only get decorations within Antonio's Factory. There are 3 types of decorations and each one is worth a specific amount of points. Once you found some, you can put them into the Christmas Trees around to gather the points.
      For every 15 points you'll be awarded 1BC.

      There are also 4 stars. Those are really hard to come by, as they're guarded very discretely so you don't find them (As we all know, Christmas STar is the most important decoration of the tree!). If you find a Star, you need to put it into one of the trees, however, each Tree needs its specific Star, so you need to know where to put it. If you put it in the wrong tree, it will fly away and someone else will be able to find it. There are only 4 stars around. And those stars are worth a ZOMG amount of points and a ZOMG rental Christmas Hat