Emp desc

"The highest reaches of heaven, believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure light"

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Force Event Members

Stockholml and Shey have been promoted as new Force Event staff members. Wishing them the best!

DRO Staff Organizational Chart

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Start of Classes

   Today's the first day of our classes. Yeah, the hectic and sleepless nights are dawning upon me. They say that this year is the most critical and arduous year of my chosen course. I can't say that I'm excited but I've reached the point of no return. Nothing much to say now. I can't promise to post as much as before but I'll still try to do some posts. Hope you guise have a fruitful and fun school year.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Loading Screen Winners Announced

Here's the list of the winners.

Here a link to the winning entries.

Hope they'll be implemented soon. Congratulations to all the winners!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Empyreal DarkRO Force 2012

   At last! After many many many months of postponing this project, I finally made it! Driven by the insufficiency of my HDD storage, I compiled some of the most memorable woes and experiences of our guild.


Kagami Kyouji/Toxa Classico - Guildmaster
Exuberance/ChocoLove - Sub GM
ObiClutchKenobi - SubGM
RayGun.v.2 - Core Member
Kyras Azariah - Core Member
Kato~ - High Council
Kuya Eric/Mazkara/Patronus Dei Rabanastre - High Council
Serene - Council
its0ke - Council

Empyreal Loyalists

Kuya Eric/Mazkara/Patronus Dei Rabanastre
Jude/Holy Warrior
Dare You to Move
Pally Tom
Top Rank
Rurouni Jedi
Vhon(scammer? :PP He has served his purpose well though)

   Sorry to those who I failed to include. Haha. And sorry if some of the names can't be clearly seen. My editing time's kinda limited, so I kinda rushed it. Classes are approaching. :\

   It was one helluvaride guys! Good luck on your future endeavors.

   Keep the fire burning, Empyreal!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


My apologies for not being able to post lately. I'm currently sick since a classmate of mine infected around 5 of us. I'll be catching up when I'm feeling better. Good day!