Emp desc

"The highest reaches of heaven, believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure light"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Empyreal Pays a Visit

     As the number of highly paying guilds sprang into existence, I decided to pay them a visit. I wanted to assess the current performance of the guild. As far as I can remember, no recruitment was done prior to woe.

     First stop was the Superhero guild. Penetrating their stronghold wasn't much of an effort. All the attempts in conquering their castles were executed well and the results didn't change.

     We also ventured to other new guilds but sadly I forgot their names. =P

     Then came the real battle. Fighting against Epitome and Mythology was no easy task considering the difference in numbers. We managed to hold them off on their initial attempts but it didn't last long. Our usual visitors also knocked on our doors. The guests were Fishpond, Kings, and Dream Team. The heat somewhat rose between DT and us. After their successful assail, we sought vengeance. We did obtain a sweet revenge. Anyway, the matches against them though were fun though. Nothing personal.

    When we settled at Neusch, much to our surprise, our "rival" guild seemed to be few in numbers. There were only 3 of them who entered the castle and committed suicide as I would consider it. I suspect that their pockets are empty for this woe causing their hired men to look for another employer.

    The highlight in this woe was the blood-soaked havoc in Sacred Altar. As usual, the long time holder of SA, Legends, was protecting the fortress. After several interruptions in casting ecall, I successfully did it after finding a distraction. Approximately 7 guilds were fighting to take possession of the castle. Although we failed, it was a blast. Legends' prevailed after the epic battle.

     While Epitome was defending Neuschwanstein, we tried to take over. We were able to slip through their defenses and I successfully cast ecall. Empyreans rushed to the emperium and shattered it. Unplanned, we simultaneously defended Skoegul and Neuschwanstein. It was no easy task since our strength was halved after dividing the players equally between the mentioned castles. With 5 minutes remaining, Fishpond charged in Neusch. The faction defending in Neusch wasn't enough letting the assailant hostage the castle. After the fall in Neusch, everybody rushed to Skoegul to establish a good defense in the final minutes while I went back to Neusch in hopes of being able to cast ecall. Time was short for me in Neusch thus woe ended with us possessing Skoegul.

-Toxa Classico I

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Guild Siggy Released

     If you think its all about the game, then you got it wrong. Empyreans aren't just gamers. We venture out to other fields. Take art making, specifically signature making in this situation, as an example. Mazkara has been making art works, either his personal or for the guild. But since he is preoccupied in real life, this might be his last work for a while. The signature he made included the core members, loyalists, and most of the known members.

     Here's his work.


     All Empyreans are given permission to use the siggy in the forum.

     Empyreans do not limit themselves to RO. We expand our horizon.

     One word to describe his work. Awesomesauce!

-Toxa Classico I

Lakandula Sponsors Q&A Event

     After the exhilarating woe last Wednesday, I hosted a question and answer event which was sponsored by Lakandula. The event consisted of 10 rounds with 30c awaiting the victor in each round. The topic was about RO. The first one to type in the correct answer and enter the pub wins the round. The winners are as follows:

Round  1 : Jann
Round  2 : Arthur!
Round  3 : Crunk
Round  4 : Pain
Round  5 : Crunk
Round  6 : Crunk
Round  7 : Pain
Round  8 : Crunk
Round  9 : Crunk
Round 10 : Jann

     On the second round, Jovs was the first one to get the answer right but he gave the price to someone else. I dropped a skull and whoever gets it first and deal it back to me gets Jovs' prize. It was Arthur's quick hands that allowed him to grab the skull first. Jann won the final round by being the first one to answer the question "What character/monster does a S.B.R.44 skill?" with the answer Filir.

     In the latter part of the event, some members from Fairy Tails, our alliance, joined us. It was good seeing both guilds interact with each other.

-Toxa Classico I

Breakers Galore

     Fewer than the usual on a Wednesday woe with 28 online, Empyreal went on a trip around Prontera Castles.

     We faced Kings and Exile in Fadhgridh. On the first few attempts of Exile, fending them off was not an issue. My attention was called when a party was asking for a guild invitation so I warped to the turf and invited them in the guild. Their names seemed familiar and they looked experienced. As Exile prepared for an all out offense at pre emp, so did we prepare for a solid defense in the emp room. Although I highly doubted our chances of surviving the assault, we took our chances. We braced ourselves as they entered the room. As I expected, the spam rate was just unbelievable. Not that I'm accusing the guild of cheating but the speed isn't just normal. It may be Bragi's effect or it may be something else. I will just clarify again that no accusation were thrown to the said guild. So much with that. We failed to retain possession of the castle. An attempt to regain ownership failed despite the regrouping done at pre emp. The guest party, our lks, and I even didn't manage to penetrate the defense. With the others dead, the farthest i reached was above the stairs. I got mobbed then poof.

     Gondul was on the list in the trip. Destruction Elite's number didn't justify their defense. I ecalled against DE and we got the castle. Everytime I ecalled in Gondul, it was the same guild defending it and their fate didn't change.

     Kriemhild was next and Hellion was fully armed in defending it. After the clash between Hellion and us, we ended as victors.

     In the middle of the woe, the guests left since their original guild will be woeing. I then figured out that the guys were from BP after a short conversation with some of them in an inn. The woe continues.

    We went back to Fad and Exile was currently the castle holder. We tried to give it a shot but it didn't work out.

    At Skoegul, we faced DT, Kings, BP, FP, and Gungnir. We managed to defend the castle but the unending invasion waves caused us to lose possession of the castle.

    After the castle hopping at Prontera, we went after Neuschwanstein. I was expecting Sige Pagkalat Mo to go after us again. But prior to the much expected SPM show off, Hellion sought revenge by following us at Neusch. Their plot of retaliation didn't succeed. I left the castle and looked for another since I was expecting SPM to arrive. And so, the much awaited guests did arrive while I was out. After a few moments of holding off SPM without me in the castle, Fishpond seconded SPM. With 2 guilds attacking, the defense failed with FP taking over. Together with a breaker(sorry I forgot who it was), we managed to take Skoe and I did my last EC. A minute was left and I tried to go with Vhon at Gondul but he wasn't there. We ended up having Skoe.

     In the duration of the woe, 5 breakers kept on breaking for the guild. The breakers were Vhon, Rurouni Jedi, Lord Nataku, Kenshin X, and Arthur!. They were superb in breaking although luck wasn't at their side in the last minute since we were quite busy at Skoe.

    Again, to the mentioned guilds, I do assume they're friendly matches.

-Toxa Classico I

Monday, June 13, 2011

Against Mercenaries

    The core members have decided to suspend the recruitment process for June 13's woe due to the current issues at hand which was mentioned on the previous post. Spies have been suspected to have infiltrated or infiltrate the guild thus leading the core to the said course of action. The guild pushed through with its current set of known members. The headcount reached up to 18 only since some had personal appointments on the day and also not to mention that it is the first day of classes for most of us.

     Despite being incapacitated with the amount of members, the fight continued. We executed several hostage scenarios at Neuschwanstein, Fadhgridh, Skoegul, and Gondul.

     After successfully casting ecall at Repherion, we fought against Swastikas, which was the owner of the castle, for possession of the castle. The operation was successful. We took hold of the fortress after the bloody fight. We went back to Neusch after it. Unsurprisingly, Sige Pagkalat Mo gathered its freshly recruited mercenaries at pre emp. We were fighting against the odds. They were successful in their attempt to overthrow us from the castle. I highly believe that the invasion was still part of the current issues between both guilds and for display of "power".

     In the last 10 minutes of woe, we settled at Skoegul. Kings then ambushed us. We managed to somehow keep most of them off but several other guilds entered the castle forcing us to break the hostaged emperium. Kings went back for another round but this time we could not hold them off. Everybody was frantic since we did not want to experience a similar fate with that of Saturday's woe where we did not have a castle. We aimed for Neusch in the last 3 minutes. La Squadra Dei Falchi was on guard. Magica was our rival for castle ownership. I already doubted if we would win against Magica since they have a suspicious spam rate. Legit or not, we can not tell. I casted ecall but for some unfathomable reason, fate was ill to us. As the others spawned, La Squadra's pitcher was not able to cope up having Magica shatter the emperium, warping us out of the castle, and leaving us 40 seconds to get a castle. It was obvious that obtaining a castle was impossible given the remaining time.

      Nonetheless, the guild is not affected from not having castles and the losses from that close minded guild. =P

     The woe wasn't that bad at all. They are all part of a learning process. It is in these times that we can determine who sticks with the guild and who are the mercenaries.

-Toxa Classico I

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Empyreal Goes Red

     Along with the change of the emblem color, the Empyreal turned red. For a change, the Empyreans were required to change their cloth and hair palette to red. As with the mentioned issue with a guild from my previous post, I tried to talk with them in the most diplomatic way that I can but it turned out that all their replies were trash. It did displayed and proved how irrational and close minded they are for dragging in the whole guild into the issue. I was even expecting to have a decent discussion with their gm but I was mistaken. Well so much for that. It was an pointless conversation so I left them expecting an assault based on their immature attitudes.

     Woe started unusually with 40 Empyreans online. Around 10 to 15 were new recruits while the rest just woke up early. Slightly late in woe due to the numerous members online to be given supply to, we eyed for Neuschwanstein again. After quite some time, the moment I had been expecting came. SPM was gathering its forces outside preparing for an assault. We managed to keep them of for several waves but in one of their attempts, the opposing team managed to ecall because of the poor retrapping system of the snipers. Again, being disorganized was a dilemma, not to mention that most of the members still lack experience. We tried to retaliate but failed despite several attempts. The members could just not match their numerous mercenary edp members. Seeing how impossible it was to match up with their mercenaries, I decided to go after another castle. Another guild seemed to take possession of Neusch so I decided to go back there. We defended it and ended up going against Dream Team in the last few minutes.. We were unsuccessful in guarding the castle. I decided to try Fadhgridh but everybody was cramming and Kings was defending Fad. I casted ecall in the pre emp of Neusch in the last 2 minutes for a full force attack but we didn't manage to pass through the choking defense of DT. Our 9 woe streak of having a castle was broken since we didn't manage to get 1 in the end.

     All I can say is that we fought til the end knowing we play fair and we keep our feet on the ground. Some guilds are/have become arrogant, close minded, irrational, and too proud. That's what makes us different from them. What we're after is fun and camaraderie.

P.S. Red flame is weaker than blue. xD

-Toxa Classico I

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Iloilo Empyreal 1st EB

What: Iloilo Empyreal's 1st EB
When: June 9, 2011 3pm
Where: Atrium Mcdo

See yah!

-Toxa Classico I

Irrational Much

     Woe started out with the Empyreans establishing a defense in one of the past woe's castle which is Neuschwanstein. The defense was poor. I found it disappointing to see the trappers slacking off their job. People kept going in and out of the emp room. Others were staying at pre emp without a solid defense. We somehow managed several attempts of occupation of Fishpond, Swastikas, Soul Revelion, and Sige Pagkalat Mo in the first few minutes but as I had been expecting, the emperium broke. Fishpond successfully took over but we managed to get it back. Cognoscenti also attempted a penetration but it didn't work out. In the long run, the trappers seemed to have come to their senses and improved the traps(there were still loopholes though) SPM unceasingly went back, making several attempts to take possession. I do have a hunch why they kept on coming back but I might be wrong though. I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt. Putting that aside, we managed to occupy Neusch in the end with the emperium being broken around 3 to 4 times only.

     After the siege, 2 players(I wont be stating names) went to the turf accusing the guild of using dirty tactics. They didn't have a guild but I managed to remember the name and from which guild he is from. I won't be mentioning the guild where they are from for I am giving the guild the benefit of the doubt if indeed they were sent to whine on us or it was a personal issue. He said kept on saying "nice style and effective" stuff. At first I didn't understand but he then mentioned about someone dealing him to block his view. I told him it might be unintentional. He pushed through with his accusation in an irrational manner. He didn't even tell me who was dealing him. My point is that he could have addressed it in a better way, not involving and accusing the whole guild regarding the incident. People do rotate their screens during woe to have a better view and may unintentionally click on the deal button. He should have told me who did that and I would personally take care of the matter. And hey, didn't he even know about a command called /nt or @noask? Seriously, to whoever you are(wont be placing your name) learn the basic commands. I do not tolerate any form of cheating! To whoever this person is here's what I have to say to you, be more rational will you? Stop your pointless whining.  Bottom line is, stop generalizing. Be rational enough.

     Anyway, enough with that. Mazkara had a scheduled event after woe but everybody was tired from the 2-hour action packed woe. The event will most likely be rescheduled.

     To the mentioned guilds, I do assume they're friendly matches.

Nice woe everyone.

-Toxa Classico I

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lakandula Hosts a Sinx Event

     With much enthusiasm, our newly promoted guild mate Lakandula decided to host a royal rumble event for sinxs. Five gallant sinxes joined the event. The rules were as follows: No vitems, niles, sleip, kage[1], cyc, Thanatos card, , status effect card, stripping cards, lhz cards, swordbreaker, mailbreaker refined armors(weapons only), and outside buffs. Equipments should be open all the time. The objective of the event was to assassinate all the sinxes and be the last assassin standing. There were 5 rounds. 50c awaited for the victor of each round.

Auolous Eerie
Sinx Crystal
Midou Ban-(Me)

Round 1 - Crystal
Round 2 - Midou Ban-
Round 3 - Midou Ban-
Round 4 - Midou Ban-
Round 5 - Crystal

Well I wasn't planning to join but just to stir things up, I asked if I could join and they agreed. Jovs should have won in round 2 but Lakandula noticed that his armor was refined so he was asked to change it and the round was restarted.

Summing it all up it was a fun event. Nice game to all the participants and nice event to the event host Lakandula!

P.S. Sorry I failed to get an ss. :(

-Toxa Classico

Lakandula Gets Promoted

     Known with his LK, Patronus Dei Rabanastre, Lakandula has been promoted to the 33rd Degree. The core has seen his utmost loyalty and rapport among guild members. Even though we do not often hear him speak in the guild chat, he has been an active member of the guild. It is due to this reasons that the core members have decided to invite him to be part of the 33rd Degree. The core believes that he is deserving in the said position and will be of great help in the development and growth of the guild.

     On his first day being part of the 33rd Degree, I asked him if he could be a party leader to oversee other members since my party has reached its limit. He was pretty active and did a great job as a member of the high council. I am personally impressed with his performance on his first day. /no1

     We're looking forward to be able to grow with our future council members and fellow Empyreans.

-Toxa Classico I

Ranking System

Developed specifically for Empyreal by its core members. Inspired from Shadows of Illumination ranking system. The development of this system is the product of the brainstorming of the core members. Any claims on owning the originality of this system is a total hoax.

     At last we have finalized the ranking system. This system does is not in any way a form of stereotyping but this will serve as a guide for the members to determine who are the people in authority. This will also help members recognize people who are in charge of the organization and development of the guild so that they could channel their concerns and ideas to the proper people. Revisions could still be made though.

     The guild will be led by 3 main divisions: the Core, High Council, and the Council.

     The core members are the foundation of the guild. They will oversee the entirety of the guild. The High Council will be under the core members. They are more like the loyalists of the guild. The Council comes next after the High Council.

     The following will explain the duties, responsibilities, incentives of each group, and how to be part of them.

     Not much is to be said about the core. They are in charge of everything. They will be the party leaders during woe. They manage the entire guild. It is not possible to be promoted or invited in this division unless the whole core decides upon it under certain circumstances.

     It is only through invitation that one can join the High Council. The core members and current High Council members will vote if someone is deserving to be part of the team. If ever an invitation is made, one is given the option to accept or reject it. Once rejected, chances will be little for him to join if ever renominated. High Council members will not receive any supply or salary. They will help in rgm. They can be party leaders if any core will request them to be one. They will oversee who is afk or not in the castle during woe. Workaholic much? On the brighter side, they have invite and expel powers. They can host big guild events. They are also capable of moving motions. Motions are like suggestions wherein the core and High Council will vote upon it if it will be approved or not. Nominations for a rank up or down are also part of the motions.

     The council helps in rgm. They have invitiation powers. Only supply will be given to them. They cannot move a motion or vote on it. If ever they have an idea, they may be able to address it to the High Council or core.

     Again, it is only through nomination, votation, and invitation for one to be in the High Council and Council. Certain criteria are set to be in the said positions.

Core Members:

Kagami Kyouji/Toxa - GM
ChocoLove/Bagz - Sub GM
ObiClutchKenobi - Sub GM
RayGun.v.2/Jovs - Core Member
Kyras Azariah/Jp - Core Member

High Council:


     We move on to the Empyreanism, Empyrealist, Empyrean, and Recruit. I personally decide if one deserves to be in a certain position. I base my decisions on loyalty, activeness, closeness or relationship with the guild and also the length of your stay. If ever you try to ask for a change in nickname, well that would earn you a -1 for a rank up. Empyreanism will be the highest attainable position and is given to significant and deserving members only. Empyreanism members will most likely be subjected to nomination for promotion to the council. Next to Empyreanism is Empyrealist and then the Empyreans. Everybody starts out as a recruit.

     Hope this will keep things organized.

-Toxa Classico I

Less on a Monday

     Unlike the Monday woe of the past weeks, only 18 Empyreans were online. Jovs and I were the only core members online since Bagz, who was asked by Clutch to wake him up, experienced a brown out in their place. There were only 3 killers as far as I can remember, 1 sinx(Ej), 1 champ(Jovs), and a gunner(Jude). Despite being outnumbered, we still managed to give Swastikas, Sige Pagkalat mo and Soul Revelion a good fight. We defended Neuschwanstein til in the last minutes of woe. Someone took Holy Shadow in the last minute thus the woe ended with 2 castles. Everybody performed well but we still have much to learn though.

-Toxa Classico I

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Faces

     Unlike the other Saturday woes where Jovs and Jp/Kyras Azariah are left to lead the Empyreans, Bagz and I were the available for a Saturday woe. It's unusual for us to attend Saturday woe since we have classes. Jovs was out for a class outing while Jp had to enroll. Like the usual Saturday woes, most Empyreans are late. When the woe commenced, there were only 13 to 15 members online.We defended Neuschwanstein against several guilds. As woe progressed, the Empyreans started to go online, raising the members online to 30. We fought against Sige Pagkalat Mo, Domo, Fishpond, and Soul Revelion. In the last 1 minute, I stormed in Eeyolbriggar with Bagz and Don/Kato~ backing me up. I successfully broke Eeyol. The woe ended with us occupying Neusch and Eeyol.
    In this woe, new faces surfaced, pledging their loyalty to the guild. This is a new batch of Empyreans, a new set of friends. Time will determine the friendship.

Here are some pics from the woe:

-Toxa Classico


June 1 - After a one week vacation, it was again time to return and enjoy the thrill woe offers. But this woe was rather unusual. In the last 2 minutes of woe, I we got Kriemhild and ecalled but Blueprint suddenly charged in the castle and took possession of it. Everybody was panicking. One minute left and most castles had strong defenses. Then everybody was feeling down when the expected time for woe to end came but after several seconds, a yellow broadcast appeared displaying a guild occupying a castle. Messages of shock and excitement filled the guild chat as soon as we have got a hold of ourselves from what happened.Woe was still on. We still had a chance to occupy a castle. But the rise of emotions soon faded as woe continued through the night. Some were sleepy while some grew tired not to mention the several disconnections from the server. Around 12:55 am Phil time, Matias announced that 5 minutes was left until the woe ends and the bug was probably caused by something from Monday's woe . Around 15-20 Empyreans were left to continue fighting. We ran after Gondul. In the last 30 seconds

Jovs' Exposure

     Since I will be having a one week vacation, I left Jovs in charge of the guild with the aid of Ej/Serene. Jovs decided to stay in Nuenberg last May 28. On May 30's woe, with his leadership, they got Neuschwanstein and Holy Shadow. Jovs did a last minute ecall in Neusch and succesfully pulled out the operation. It was a good exposure for Jovs since I may not be available all the time and he may have to act as GM from time to time if the Sub GMs are not around.

-Toxa Classico I

Guild Issues

     Like any other guild, our guild has its own share of issues and dilemmas. Last May 25, on a Wednesday woe, 3 Empyreans were victimized by an impostor. The impostor used my name to get the trust and ask for the account details of some members. Woe was ongoing when the impostor did his dirty job. It was highly unfortunate for our fellow Empyreans to fall for the impostor's trickery. I have already reported the impersonator and the char got banned already. Right now, I'm having his/her main account traced for us to know who is behind this. Even though the char used for impersonating me got banned, there is another impostor pming Empyreal members and attempting to ask for account details.

     Another issue that arose was the dispute between Stacy and Stello. Both unceasingly insulted each other in the guild chat, which even reached to the FB group chat, despite the numerous warnings I gave them. Stacy left the guild just in time when I decided to kick both of them to settle things between them and return once they're done with it. Stacy decided to return to the guild while Stello left. I would like to stress out that there is no favoritism here. Both were actually welcome to return to the guild as long as they have settled the matter already. I want the members to at least get along well with each other.

     Despite being hacked, the three hacked members still decided to play. Their fellow Empyreans are willing to aid them to recover from the incident.

     There is/are still impersonator/s roaming around trying to hack our comrades. Be cautious and NEVER GIVE YOUR ACCOUNT DETAILS OR ITEMS FOR NO CORE MEMBER OR EVEN ME WILL ASK FOR THEM.

     "The current happenings made me realize something. Our guild is growing for we are faced with new challenges. When something starts to grow or progress, obstacles start to arise to try to topple it down. It is in these moments that we stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and hand in hand, and work together."

Play safe!

-Toxa Classico I